Irving Howe’s “1984-Utopia Reversed” was a very interesting read. Howe writes about Orwell, “It is a book written from the total energy of an aroused man, with all the passion and percipience at his command; a book clearly the product of fear, as there is every reason it should be…”(Howe, 1) Orwell. 1984 was a well written novel and truly you had to have some fear to write such a compelling book. What he wrote about the “unfuture” was so extreme. I actually agree with what Howe said about some of Orwell’s points being too dramatic and that there were some errors in his book. In 1984 some of the points made were from extreme exaggeration. In the reading he talks about how Orwell discusses sexual freedom in the book and says that being promiscuous is punishable by death. If we were living in Orwell’s big brother then a good part of the world would not be here.
Howe also states that in any social class whether it is the upper class or the lower class, that desire and need for being in power is there. It is a natural thing that everyone aspires to have. However, not everyone can have power so a select few have to be in charge. If there is power amongst everyone then that will cause problems within the society.
Works Cited:
Orwell, Bradbury. “1984.” New York, New York, USA. 1950.
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